
Raccoon and Squirrel Removal Season: Essential Tips for Homeowners

As the seasons shift, many homeowners face the challenge of dealing with wildlife entering their spaces. Raccoons and squirrels seek shelter in attics or basements, especially as temperatures drop. Being proactive during raccoon and squirrel removal season can help you protect your home and prevent costly damages.

Understanding their behaviors is crucial. Raccoons are attracted to food sources and warmth, while squirrels often nest in cozy spots to prepare for winter. Recognizing the signs of their presence can lead to timely interventions and effective removal strategies.

Taking action early in the season can save you headaches later. From sealing entry points to using humane traps, there are numerous methods for ensuring your living space remains safe and wildlife-free. Being informed about the removal process empowers you to handle the situation effectively and maintain peace in your home.

Understanding Raccoon and Squirrel Behavior

Raccoons and squirrels exhibit distinct behaviors that can help you identify their presence and establish effective removal strategies. Observing their habits and signs of infestation can greatly assist in timely interventions.

Identifying Signs of Infestation

Raccoons and squirrels leave specific indicators of their presence. Common signs include:

  • Droppings: Raccoon droppings are large, tubular, and dark. Squirrel droppings are smaller and resemble tiny pellets.
  • Nests: Look for nests in trees or attics; raccoons often create dens in hidden areas, while squirrels build nests from leaves and twigs.
  • Tracks and Scratches: Raccoon tracks show five toes, while squirrel tracks have four. Scratches on surfaces indicate their activity.

These signs are crucial for determining the need for seasonal wildlife removal services in McKinney. Recognizing them promptly can lead to a more effective removal process.

Behavioral Patterns and Seasonal Activity

Understanding their behavior helps anticipate potential issues. Raccoons are primarily nocturnal and are most active during dusk and dawn, scavenging for food. They often rummage through trash, showcasing their curiosity.


Squirrels are diurnal and can be seen foraging during the day. They tend to gather and store food, primarily nuts, in preparation for winter. Early fall is the best time for raccoon and squirrel removal, as they seek shelter for the colder months. Adjusting your approach based on these specific behaviors can enhance your efforts in managing infestations effectively.

Effective Removal Strategies

Addressing raccoon and squirrel issues during peak removal season requires a set of well-defined strategies. You can effectively manage wildlife encounters by implementing preventive measures, utilizing humane techniques, and considering professional services.

Preventive Measures

To deter raccoons and squirrels from invading your property, start by securing trash bins with tight-fitting lids. For extra security, use bungee cords.

Seal entry points around your home; look for gaps in roofs, soffits, and vents. Raccoons can squeeze through openings as small as 4 inches, while squirrels can fit through 1.5-inch gaps.

Eliminate food sources by removing pet food, bird feeders, and fallen fruit from your yard. Consider using strong scents like garlic or peppermint to repel these animals for gardens. Regular yard maintenance also helps deter potential nesting sites.

Humane Removal Techniques

Humane traps can be effective when dealing with raccoons and squirrels. Use live traps designed for the specific animal you are targeting. Bait these traps with peanut butter or fruits to attract them.

Once trapped, relocate the animals to a suitable environment five miles away to prevent their return. Always check local regulations regarding relocation.


To deal with raccoon-specific issues, consider installing motion-activated lights or noise-makers to encourage them to move on. The goal is to create an unwelcoming environment without causing harm.

Professional Removal Services

If wildlife problems persist, contacting professional removal services may be necessary. Companies like Critter Stop specialize in humane wildlife removal, ensuring safe and effective solutions tailored to your situation.

Professional services can thoroughly assess your property and identify entry points. They also provide ongoing support, ensuring your home remains wildlife-free throughout the pest season.

Critter Stop has a fantastic reputation and online customer reviews because it provides high-quality work and excellent customer service. For help with raccoon and squirrel removal in McKinney, call Critter Stop at (214) 234-2616 for a free inspection.

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